Middle School Lessons

These lessons were created while I was student teaching at Innes CLC. I had the privilege to teach 6th grade, 8th grade, and the Honors 8th grade classes. The 6th grade classes were 6 weeks long, while the 8th grade classes lasted through the entire semester.

6th Grade Projects

Pop-Art Movement Project

Students are to define and explain the concept of Pop Art and to find and describe artwork within the movement. Students cut out images of people and trace the image's silhouette with assorted construction paper colors. Then they would place the cutouts in an arc to make the illusion of movement with the help of “action lines”.

Lenticular and Contour Line Project

Students learned about lenticular art and its unique characteristics. Students practice creating continuous and blind contour line drawings. They will understand the illusions of movement and depth by using two images glued and folded to make two separate images when moving.

Imaginary Beings Project

Students will understand the concept of proportion and lack of proportion in art. The class was shown different styles of art that feature people with inproportional elements including art made by Pablo Picasso, traditional African Masks, Caricature art, and Corporate Art. They then created a magazine collage using cutouts from magazines inspired by Goodman, a New York artist who uses a range of materials to create wacky features.

Block Play Project

Students learned about Froebel's block play and were shown images of Kumkum Fernando's work that features block-like construction. They will engage in creative and imaginative problem-solving with wooden blocks to create a character that has a head, body, legs, and arms. The class will be instructed to experiment with ideas, and use imagination for personal and creative expression.

8th Grade Projects

Surrealist 1pt. Perspective Project

Students will understand, illustrate, and define the terms surrealism and collage. The class will be taught about 1 point perspective and how to use it in a surrealistic room they create. They discussed the key principles and goals of surrealism, including the exploration of the subconscious mind and the rejection of rationality.

Mug Rugs Project

Students learned the basic principles of weaving and create a "mug rug" using a cardboard loom. Studying the process of yarn making, they will practice weaving by using at least three different weaving techniques using three different colored yarns. They will apply partisanship when preparing and presenting their project and select materials and techniques to independently create their woven "mug rug".

Food Branding Project

Students will be able to apply their knowledge of graphic design and branding to create a clothing brand based on their favorite food brand.The class demonstrated their understanding of the elements of design, such as color, typography, and logo design, and practiced creative thinking and problem solving by designing one sweatshirt, hat, and shoe all referring to their favorite food/ candy brand.

Animal Mug Project

Students will learn the pinch pot technique to create a bowl and will incorporate animal features into their project. They will practice the scratch-and-score technique to attach at least three parts of the bowl and demonstrate creativity and craftsmanship in their artwork.

Split Identity Self Portrait Project

The class will understand the concept of self-portraits and how they can be made to express themselves. They will create their own split self-portraits and learn how to draw different facial features and space them on the face. Afterward, they will reflect and discuss how they represented their interests on the icon side. They will learn about portraiture by seeing examples from Frida Kahlo, Vincent van Gogh, and Pablo Picasso.

Honors 8th Grade Projects

Embossing Project

Students will learn the techniques of embossing using aluminum cans and pens. They will demonstrate their understanding of embossing by creating a pin or clip that is at least 3 inches in any direction. The class will demonstrate their understanding of patterns by including at least 2 different textured patterns in their final projects.

Negative and Positive Space Bugs

Students learned to understand the concepts of negative and positive space in art. They identified and analyzed examples of how artwork is effected by space, and explored the use of symmetry in their project. Throughout the project, they brainstormed, refined, and made decisions using the elements of art.

Trompe L'oeil Painting Project

Students learned about different painting techniques and the definition of "tromp l'oeil" paintings. They were shown and explained the concept of symbolism and how to use it in art. They painted scenes of food inspired by Sari Shyrack's and her painting technique.

Appropriation Project

Students learned about art appropriation and how to analyze and interpret artworks that have been appropriated. The class was shown how examples of famous artworks that have been appropriated, such as Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans or Shepard Fairey's "Hope" poster. We discussed how these artists used appropriation to convey their messages and how art appropriation is the act of borrowing, copying, or reusing elements from existing artworks to create new artworks.